I never used to like showing my legs. To me they looked bony and awkward, so avoided wearing dresses and skirts for the majority of my teenage years. I wasn’t comfortable flaunting what was given to me: not much. A lot of you will say: “that’s a nice problem to have” but it’s still a problem if you are on the far end of the body size spectrum. Clothes are made for the middle part of that spectrum. I couldn’t find clothes that fit right so I wore things over-sized – which made me look even more sunken in. By the way this was before shops started carrying petite sizes, growing up the size chart looked like this: Small, Medium, Large and sometimes Extra Large. I don’t know, maybe that’s why I adore the whole over-sized BF look now, it’s a remnant from the past.
Fast forward to today and showing legs comes as easy to me as frying eggs. I guess a bit self confidence helps and a bit of not caring about the popular body image du jour. Here is the thing: pop culture has a huge impact on what is perceived as accepted and trendy, especially on a confused and emotional species known as the teenager. Pop culture changes all.the.time. and with it the body images that are supposed to be in/healthy/idolized. When supermodels like Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and Eva Evangelista ruled the roost lip singing to George Michael’s “Freedom” it made girls like me wish for bigger boobs and a rounder butt. Then models like Kate Moss and Stella Tennant come along and suddenly the super skinny, androgynous look is en vogue. And now? Now the anorexic look is highly criticized and full size models are getting more traction.
I’m in my 30s now and can proudly say that I feel my best at the moment. I stay active with Krav Maga and tennis, I eat pretty healthily but more importantly: I just don’t care about what I am supposed to look like. There are so many body types, not just skinny and big, there is everything in between. We are all beautiful and should be less critical of ourselves even though your harshest critic will always be you. As for me, I just keep wearing shorts and dresses like it’s 1999.
I forgot to say something about this outfit: big bold statement sleeves is what’s been catching my eye in fashion editorials. It’s a detail that makes the outfit and it’s easy to wear if you dare! Do dare!
Photo Credit | HMU: Ash Taylor @thegutsandglory
dress: SheIn | heels: Nine West
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