I am still in awe about being featured in the latest Denver Style Magazine print issue No 4! I had the immense honor to appear in the first of the “Meet the Blogger” series and cannot thank Heather and Kelsey of DSM enough for this fantastic opportunity to talk about what has been such a wonderful and fulfilling journey to me: this thing called fashion blogging!
If you don’t know the magazine, check them out at www.denverstylemagazine.com for all things style/fashion/beauty/wellness and general cool happenings in and around Denver. I actually contribute a blog post per month to the Trend Report section of the online magazine version because you know, I tend to keep up on what’s trendy in the world of fashion 😉
This issue is the first that is available complimentary at select boutiques so if you happen to get your hands on a copy, grab it and flip to page 15 lol! Do read the rest of the magazine as there is some really awesome content on the movers and shakers of the Denver fashion scene that I love so much. There is an online version of it, too, which is linked here:Â https://issuu.com/denverstylemagazine/docs/issueno4
you can pick up a complimentary copy of DSM #4 at UberChic!
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